249 SIGNS General Provisions 15 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 larger than 18 inches in diameter that require tethering; G. Moving signs; H. Noisy mechanical devices; I. Parked vehicle signs; J. Roof signs, including signs painted on roofs or that extend above the highest point of a roof; K. Searchlights; L. Signs on natural features such as trees, other living vegetation, and rocks; M. Trailer signs; N. Signs projected onto surfaces using light; O. LED electronic message center signs; P. LED display screens; Q. Strings lights attached to or part of a sign; and R. Any other sign not expressly permitted by this Ordinance, the Municipal Code, all applicable building codes, or the Historic District Design Guidelines, as applicable. 15.1.10 Sign Area Computation A. The sign area shall be the computed area of the background upon which lettering, insignia, or other devices are placed. B. Where the sign area is on the face of a building, the area of the sign shall be determined by the smallest geometric shape that encloses all borders, graphics, and letters as a complete sign. C. The supporting structures shall not be included in the area computation unless utilized as part of the total display area. 15.1.11 Nonconforming Signs The following shall apply to legally permitted signs or sign structures that met all applicable regulations in effect at the time of installation, but were made nonconforming prior to or as of the effective date of this Ordinance: A. Minor repairs and maintenance may be performed on a nonconforming sign or sign structure, such as printing, painting, re-facing, or refinishing the surface so as to maintain the condition of the sign; B. Nonconforming billboards may be continued and permitted to expand in accordance with the provisions of T.C.A. § 13-7-208; and C. Signs shall be brought into compliance with this Ordinance when: 1. A sign is structurally altered; 2. A sign is changed so as to increase the extent of the nonconformity, except as permitted in Paragraph 15.1.11.B; 3. The use of a business or property changes; 4. The sign is abandoned for a period of 90 days following the discontinuation of the business; or 5. The sign is destroyed or damaged to the extent that repairing the sign would cost 50 percent or more of the current cost to replace the sign, including labor and materials. D. Where the location of an existing wall sign is nonconforming due to its location above a roof line, it may be replaced by other letters and sign facing, but shall not exceed the sign area or height of the nonconforming sign.