Franklin Zoning Ordinance

263 SIGNS Vertical Blade Sign 15 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 15.14 Vertical Blade Sign Description A vertically-oriented sign that projects from a commercial/mixed-use building that is two or more stories and fronts a street intersection Standards Permitted Districts PD NC CC DD 1ST 5TH RC4 RC6 RC12 GO Quantity Maximum of one per building frontage on a street intersection and may be used only if no other hanging signs exist on the ground floor retail storefront/tenant space below Sign Area Maximum of 30 square feet or one square foot per linear foot of building facade, whichever is less Placement At the corner of the building or at a change in massing near the corner of the building Shall not project below the window header of the first floor Standards (Continued) Placement (Continued) Shall not project above the cornice of a two-story building or above the window sills of the third story of a building with more than two stories Projection Projects from the building facade at a 90-degree angle or at a 45-degree angle when placed at a corner of a building Maximum of 3.5 feet from the building facade, inclusive of bracket depth Brackets connecting the sign to the building facade shall be a minimum depth of one foot and maximum of 1.5 feet Materials Metal with a minimum thickness of one-half inch and maximum thickness of one foot Lighting External illumination, subject to 15.1.5, External Illumination or internal illumination, subject to Subsection 15.1.6, Internal Illumination