271 NATURAL RESOURCES Steep Slopes 17 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 D. The maximum permitted grade for cut and fill areas shall be three units horizontal to one unit vertical. E. Retaining wall height shall comply with Section 13.2, Retaining Walls, and shall not be modified. 17.1.4 Development Standards Within 500 Feet of an HHO Boundary Within 500 feet of an HHO boundary, the following shall apply: A. Lots that contain naturally occurring slopes of 14 percent or greater shall meet the lot standards in the following table rather than the lot standards of the applicable zoning district: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 2 acres Lot Width 150 feet Lot Frontage 150 feet B. Development or redevelopment shall comply with Subsection 17.1.2, Prohibited Development, and 17.1.3, Grading Standards. C. Structures shall be sited to minimize grading and tree removal. 17.1 Steep Slopes 17.1.1 Applicability A. This Section shall apply to development or redevelopment when any portion of a lot contains naturally occurring slopes of 14 percent or greater. B. Lots shall not be graded to avoid the applicability or the requirements of this Section. 17.1.2 Prohibited Development Other than public infrastructure and passive parks, development shall be prohibited on naturally occurring slopes having at least 20 feet of rise over 100 feet of run. Such slopes shall: A. Be placed in an open space lot and noted on the final plat as non-buildable; or B. Be placed in a conservation easement within a larger buildable lot. Individual single-family residential lots with a conservation easement shall be identified on the site plan as a critical lots, subject to Subsection 20.15.4, Critical Lots. 17.1.3 Grading Standards A. The maximum permitted grades for streets, internal drives, and driveway approaches shall comply with the Transportation and Street Technical Standards. B. The maximum permitted grades for driveways for single-family residential development shall be 14 percent. Driveways with lengths of longer than 100 feet may require a reduced slope, subject to approval by the Fire Department. The maximum permitted grades for all other development shall be ten percent. C. All driveways shall have landings at the top and bottom to prevent vehicles from scraping pavement.