17 272 Chapter Tree Protection NATURAL RESOURCES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 17.2 Tree Protection 17.2.1 Exemptions The following tree removal activities are exempt from this Section: A. The tree proposed for removal is located: 1. On a single-family residential lot of one acre or less that is not noted as a critical lot; or 2. On a lot in the DD district; B. Removal of trees that are determined to be unhealthy by the Department of Planning and Sustainability or with written verification of the tree’s condition as dead, dying, or structurally unsound as prepared by a certified arborist; C. Removal of trees that are determined by the Department of Planning and Sustainability to be nuisance trees or a threat to an existing structure, underground utility, or public safety; D. The tree encroaches into established utility easements; E. Damage will result to utilities or structures from tree roots; F. Removal of trees listed in the current edition of Invasive Exotic Pest Plants, published by the Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council; G. Removal of trees on City-owned land or within public right-of-way by the City or its authorized agent; H. Removal of a tree is a necessary to access the site and no alternative exists for relocating such access, as determined by the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services; I. The Department of Building and Neighborhood Services makes an exception in extraordinary circumstances, such as weather-related emergencies, natural disasters, or similar occurrences. The Department of Building and Neighborhood Services may impose conditions as it determines are necessary to ensure compliance with this Section. 17.2.2 Tree Removal Existing trees on a lot or development site shall not be removed or disturbed unless: A. Trees are removed in accordance with an approved development plan, site plan, preliminary plat, building permit, or grading permit that meets Subsections 17.2.4, Protection of Tree Canopy, and 17.2.5, Protection of Specimen Trees; or B. Trees are removed in accordance with an approved tree removal permit that meets Subsection 17.2.9, Tree Removal Permits. 17.2.3 Tree Preservation Plan As part of the application required for a development plan, site plan, or preliminary plat, the applicant shall submit a tree preservation plan with the following information: A. The lot lines associated with the proposed development; B. A recent aerial photograph with date photograph was taken; C. The location and extent of the existing onsite tree canopy, including an estimate of the total percentage of the parcels covered by the existing on-site tree canopy; D. The exact location, health, and size of all specimen trees; however, in the instances of large established tree stands, the Department of Planning and Sustainability may accept an approximation of the location, health, and size of specimen trees if the trees are not being counted towards landscape requirements, or if the trees are located within a designated tree save area; and