273 NATURAL RESOURCES Tree Protection 17 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 E. The minimum tree canopy retention requirement. 17.2.4 Protection of Tree Canopy A. Exemptions Tree removal activities associated with agricultural uses are exempt from this Subsection. B. Minimum Tree Canopy Retention A percentage of the existing tree canopy shall be retained on a development site in accordance with the table below: Existing Tree Canopy Cover (as a percentage of the total development site size) Minimum Tree Canopy Retention by Zoning District (as a percentage of the total tree canopy cover)1, 2 AG ER R1 R2 R3 R4 R6 MR PD3 OR 1ST CI NC CC GO PD4 RC4 RC6 RC12 LI HI 80%- 100% 30% 15% 10% 60%-79% 36% 18% 11% 40% - 59% 45% 22% 12% 20% - 39% 48% 24% 13% 19% or less 54% 26% 14% Notes: 1. Additional tree canopy retention may be required by the Stormwater Management Ordinance. 2. The 5TH and DD districts do not have minimum tree canopy retention requirements. 3. Development with only residential uses in the PD district shall comply with these standards. 4. Development with nonresidential and mixed-uses in the PD district shall comply with these standards. C. Designation of Tree Save Areas 1. The minimum tree canopy to be retained within the development site shall be placed in tree save areas, which shall include the areas occupied by the critical root zones of all healthy trees being retained in accordance with this Subsection. 2. The location of tree save areas shall be based on the presence of any one or more of the following: a. Woodland forest; b. Established tree stands; c. Tree rows; or d. Specimen trees. 3. Tree save areas shall be depicted as an open space lot or conservation easement on the development plan, site plan, or preliminary plat, and recorded on the final plat. 4. Individual single-family residential lots with tree save areas in conservation easements shall be identified on the site plan as critical lots, pursuant to Subsection 20.15.4, Critical Lots, and shall be platted on the final plat with denotation on an individual lot. D. Tree Save Area Priorities Consideration shall be given to the following when determining tree save locations: 1. Woodland forests greater than five acres; 2. Riparian buffers or natural drainage courses; 3. Land within the HHO or naturally occurring slopes of 20 percent or greater; 4. Habitat used by endangered or threatened species; 5. Scenic corridors and viewsheds;