Franklin Zoning Ordinance

275 HISTORIC RESOURCES Naturalistic Screening 18 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 18.3 Naturalistic Screening 18.3.1 Description A. Naturalistic screening creates a year-round visual obstruction and significant spatial separation between the historic resource setting and the new development or redevelopment. The historic resource, its setting, and surrounding site features are preserved. B. The naturalistic screening edge treatment provides an opaque screen of evergreen trees mixed with existing vegetation along the common boundaries of the historic resource site and the site of the new development or redevelopment. C. This approach is typically appropriate for a site that already has an abundance of mature vegetation, as opposed to open farm fields. 18.3.2 Location A. In cases where the developing property is adjacent to the property containing the historic resource, the naturalistic screening shall be located along the periphery of the developing property, unless an alternate location provides a superior amount of buffering. B. In cases where new development is proposed on the same property as the historic resource, the naturalistic screening shall be located as far from the historic resource as is practicable given the context of the site and any topographic or environmental considerations. 18.3.3 Standards A. Site features that emphasize the prominence of a historic resource shall be preserved within the spatial setting of the historic resource. Such features include topography, mature vegetation, streams, and historic walls and fences. B. Naturalistic screening shall have a minimum width of 75 feet. Development on lots containing or adjacent to a National Historic Landmark shall have a minimum width of 100 feet. This area shall be placed in a conservation easement. C. Planting materials shall: 1. Be predominately evergreen trees; 2. Be staggered in an informal manner, which, upon maturity, creates an opaque screen; 3. Be of a sufficient height upon maturity that new development is visually screened, regardless of building heights or topography; and 4. Include at least two or more different indigenous tree species. D. Trees shall be required at a rate of one tree per every 400 square feet. Credit for existing vegetation may reduce the planting requirements, so long as the existing materials and new planting materials achieve an opaque screen. E. Pruning of trees or shrubs near ground level shall be prohibited. F. Berms, fences, or walls shall not be used. 18.3.4 Grading The natural, existing topography shall be preserved. Grading is prohibited.