Franklin Zoning Ordinance

299 HISTORIC RESOURCES Farm-Field Boundary 18 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 18.4 Farm-Field Boundary 18.4.1 Description A. The farm-field boundary replicates the tree-lined property boundaries historically prevalent throughout the County, which generally evolved as leftover vegetation that grew along the borders of agricultural fields. This is accomplished by providing a historically based fence or wall and deciduous and cedar trees planted linearly along common boundary between the historic resource and the development or redevelopment. B. The historic resource, its setting, and surrounding site features are preserved. The farm-field boundary provides modest separation between the development or redevelopment and the historic resource. C. Because buildings within the development or redevelopment remain in view of the historic resource, they are designed to be similar in scale and architectural character with the historic building. 18.4.2 Location A. In cases where the developing property is adjacent to the property containing the historic resource, the farm-field boundary shall be located along the periphery of the developing property, unless an alternate location provides a superior amount of buffering. B. In cases where new development is proposed on the same property as the historic resource, the farm-field boundary shall be located as far from the historic resource as is practicable given the context of the site and any topographic or environmental considerations. 18.4.3 Site Features Site features that emphasize the prominence of a historic resource shall be preserved within the spatial setting of the historic resource. Such features include topography, mature vegetation, streams, and historic walls and fences. 18.4.4 Minimum Width Farm-field boundaries shall have a minimum width of 30 feet. Development on lots containing or adjacent to a National Historic Landmark shall provide a minimum width of 50 feet. 18.4.5 Open Space Lot The farm-field boundary shall be placed in an open space lot and recorded as part of a final plat, which may count towards minimum open space requirements if all applicable requirements are met per Chapter 11, Open Space.