18 302 Chapter Estate Enclosure HISTORIC RESOURCES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 18.5.5 Open Space Lot The estate enclosure shall be placed in an open space lot and recorded as part of a final plat, which may count towards minimum open space requirements if all applicable requirements are met per Chapter 11, Open Space. 18.5.6 Plantings A. Planting materials shall consist of predominantly deciduous trees planted formally in rows with regular spacing, such as an orchard. B. Plantings shall have either: 1. A combination of hedgerows and fencing; or 2. A brick or stone wall consistent in design and stone type with historic antecedents found in the County. C. Trees shall be required at a rate of one tree per every 400 square feet of the estate enclosure area. D. Credit for existing vegetation may reduce the planting requirements when located in a suitable location. Existing vegetation listed on the Tennessee Exotic plant council list shall not be credited. 18.5.7 New Buildings Within View New buildings within view of the historic resource shall be designed to be similar in scale and architectural character with the historic building. 18.5.8 Prohibited The following shall be prohibited: A. Parking areas or parking structures; B. Stormwater retention or detention facilities; and C. Any other development, impervious surface, dumpsters, or grading, except as permitted by Subsection 18.3.8, Infrastructure. 18.5.9 Infrastructure A. Sidewalks, trails, and multi-use paths are permitted. B. Streets, internal drives, drive aisles, or driveways are permitted only if they cross the edge treatment at a 90-degree angle and not encroach in a parallel fashion for more than 35 feet. C. In the event that utilities must be installed within an edge treatment in a manner that is parallel, additional width shall be added in an amount equivalent to the amount occupied by the utility lines and any associated easements. Any path cleared by utility installation shall be replaced with plant materials consistent with what was removed.