19 308 Chapter Historic Zoning Commission (HZC) REVIEW BODIES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 related matters as it may consider necessary or advisable, in accordance with State law. 19.5 Historic Zoning Commission (HZC) 19.5.1 Specific Review Authority Within the HPO, the HZC is responsible for the review and recommendation to the FMPC and the BOMA, as applicable, of: A. Development plans; B. Preliminary plats; and C. Final plats that create new lots, where a preliminary plat is not required. 19.5.2 Specific Approval Authority The HZC is responsible for review and final approval of certificates of appropriateness within the HPO. 19.5.3 Additional Authority The following shall also be the duty of the HZC: A. To regularly maintain and update the following documents: 1. Historic Preservation Plan; 2. Historic Resources Survey; and 3. Historic District Design Guidelines. B. To nominate properties for inclusion in the HPO; and C. To review nominations for the National Register of Historic Places. 19.5.4 Membership Membership of the HZC shall be as provided by State law. 19.5.5 Bylaws The HZC shall, by a majority vote of its entire membership, adopt bylaws governing its procedures on such matters as officers, agendas, voting, order of business, and related matters as it may consider necessary or advisable, in accordance with State law. 19.6 Departmental Review Team (DRT) 19.6.1 General Authority The DRT consists of City department directors, or their designees, and is responsible for certain development review as defined in the Subsections below. 19.6.2 Specific Review Authority The DRT shall participate in the review of the following applications and provide recommendations to the FMPC or the BOMA, as applicable: A. Text amendments; B. Rezonings; C. Development plans; D. Site plans; E. Preliminary plats; F. Final plats; G. Plan amendments; H. Annexations; and I. Plans of services. 19.6.3 Specific Approval Authority The DRT is responsible for review and final approval of: A. Administrative site plans; B. Site plan amendments; and C. Minor revisions to final plats. 19.6.4 Additional Authority Members of the DRT shall perform other duties as set forth by other provisions of this Ordinance.