309 REVIEW BODIES Department of Planning and Sustainability 19 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 19.7 Department of Planning and Sustainability 19.7.1 General Authority The Department of Planning and Sustainability is authorized by the BOMA to administer the provisions of this Ordinance. The Department of Planning and Sustainability shall have the following authority and duties: A. Coordination of Development Review 1. To coordinate the review of development applications; and 2. To present recommendations to the BOMA, FMPC, BZA, and HZC on applications for development approval considered by these review bodies. B. Administration of this Ordinance 1. To establish application requirements and schedules for review of development applications; 2. To initiate and draft text amendments and rezoning ordinances; 3. To administratively update the history table for text amendments adopted by the BOMA; 4. To post adopted text amendments on the City website until they are incorporated into the text of this Ordinance; and 5. To take any other actions necessary to administer the provisions of this Ordinance. C. Performance Agreements To review and make decisions on performance agreements, sureties, and maintenance agreements. D. Tree Removal Permits To review, where appropriate, and provide recommendations to the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services on applications for a tree removal permit. E. Technical Assistance To provide expertise and technical assistance to the BOMA, FMPC, BZA, HZC, BPC, Sustainability Commission, DRT, Department of Building and Neighborhood Services, and other entities. F. Long Range Planning To conduct studies and make recommendations regarding long-range planning policies and the general plan. G. Historic Preservation 1. To administer Chapter 18, Historic Resources, and advise the HZC on matters submitted to the HZC; 2. To coordinate the City’s historic preservation activities with those of state and federal agencies and with local, state, and national nonprofit preservation organizations; and 3. To assist the HZC in maintaining and periodically updating the Historic Resources Survey. 19.7.2 Additional Authority The Department of Planning and Sustainability shall perform other duties as set forth by other provisions of this Ordinance.