313 PROCEDURES Overview of Applications 20 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 20.1 Overview of Applications The table below outlines the types of applications, their scope, and the review bodies who make recommendations and take final action. Type of Application Scope Recommendation Approval Plan Amendment Amend Envision Franklin DRT FMPC Annexation Annex property into the City limits DRT, FMPC BOMA Text Amendment Change the wording or substance of the Zoning Ordinance Department of Planning and Sustainability, FMPC BOMA Preliminary HZC Recommendation Provide preliminary recommendations for development in the HPO Department of Planning and Sustainability HZC Rezoning (Map Amendment) Change in the district boundaries or district classifications of the zoning map DRT, FMPC BOMA Development Plan Entitle development in the PD district DRT, FMPC, HZC as applicable BOMA Preliminary Plat Propose layout for subdividing land into more than two lots, pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations DRT, HZC as applicable FMPC Variance Grant relief from certain zoning requirements Department of Planning and Sustainability BZA Certificate of Appropriateness Propose development or alterations in the HPO Department of Planning and Sustainability HZC Site Plan Subject to FMPC Approval Finalize site construction drawings DRT FMPC Site Plan Subject to Administrative Approval Finalize site construction drawings DRT DRT Final Plat Finalize layout for subdividing land into two or more lots suitable for recording with the Register of Deeds, pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations DRT, HZC as applicable FMPC