Franklin Zoning Ordinance

20 316 Chapter Common Review Procedures PROCEDURES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 with a rezoning or development plan application and shall be reviewed after an initiation of annexation by the BOMA; 5. A development plan, or its subsequent revision, shall be approved prior to acceptance of a site plan for review, unless revisions are considered minor. In these cases, a revised development plan may be submitted simultaneously with a site plan; and 6. For single-family residential site plans, an applicant may request a preliminary HZC recommendation prior to final action on a site plan, as applicable, and then request the certificate of appropriateness prior to the issuance of a building permit. 20.2.8 Waiver of Required Meetings Applications have various required meetings described in each type of application. If the Department of Planning and Sustainability finds the application has minimal impacts on the surrounding properties, environment, or infrastructure, then it may waive any or all of the following meetings: A. Pre-application meeting; B. On-site meeting; C. Neighborhood meeting; or D. Joint conceptual workshop.