Franklin Zoning Ordinance

03 32 Chapter R6—Residential 6 District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.8.1 Purpose The R6 district is intended to preserve historic, walkable neighborhoods with small lots and shallow setbacks and ensure contextual compatibility of infill development. 3.8.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.8.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.8.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage 3.8.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 4,000 square feet Lot Width 40 feet Front Lot Line 40 feet Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Number of Buildings Maximum Accessory Structure 1 per lot 3.8 R6—Residential 6 District