327 PROCEDURES Rezoning 20 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 20.7 Rezoning 20.7.1 Purpose The purpose of a rezoning is to amend the official zoning map to address annexation, changed conditions, changes in public policy, or changes necessary to advance the health, safety, and welfare of the City. 20.7.2 Applicability Rezoning shall comply with the specific review procedures in this Section. 20.7.3 Preliminary Meeting The applicant shall meet with the Department of Planning and Sustainability to discuss the initial concepts of the rezoning, its compliance with Envision Franklin, and review procedures. The applicant shall supply preliminary information to the Department of Planning and Sustainability at least three business days prior to the meeting. 20.7.4 Application Submittal A. The applicant shall submit a rezoning application pursuant to Section 20.2, Common Review Procedures. B. An application for HPO rezoning shall not require a property survey, but instead indicate the map, group, and parcel numbers of the proposed properties. Where applicable, the application shall be signed by owners of the affected properties. 20.7.5 Staff Review In accordance with the submittal schedule posted on the City website: A. The DRT shall review the application; B. The Department of Planning and Sustainability shall send comments from the DRT to the applicant; C. The applicant shall address the comments and submit a revised application; and D. Upon submittal of a revised application, the Department of Planning and Sustainability shall prepare a final review and make a recommendation to the FMPC. 20.7.6 FMPC Recommendation The FMPC shall review the rezoning at a public meeting and make a recommendation to the BOMA. 20.7.7 BOMA Final Action A. The BOMA shall hold three readings on the rezoning ordinance, with a public hearing during the second reading, and vote for: 1. Approval; 2. Disapproval; or 3. Deferral for the continued review of the application. B. A majority vote of the full membership of the BOMA shall be required for passage on third and final reading. 20.7.8 Approval Criteria Recommendations and final action on a rezoning shall be based on consideration of the following criteria: A. Whether the proposed rezoning is consistent with Envision Franklin and the purpose of this Ordinance; B. Whether the proposed rezoning will protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public; C. Whether the proposed rezoning corrects an error; or D. Whether the proposed rezoning reflects changed conditions, changes in public policy, or changes necessary to advance the heath, safety, and welfare of the City.