Franklin Zoning Ordinance

331 PROCEDURES Development Plan 20 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 B. The applicant shall provide the standard requested for modification, an alternate standard to be considered, and written documentation and justification for the request. C. A modification shall not be used to achieve the effect of changing one type of building, open space, sign, or historic resource edge treatment to another type. D. The following standards are not available for modification: 1. Section 3.10, Planned District; 2. Chapter 4, Overlay Districts; 3. Chapter 5, Use Regulations; 4. Chapter 7, Frontage Types; 5. Section 12.2, Landscape Surface Area; 6. Section 17.1, Steep Slopes; and 7. Section 17.6, Floodplain Protection. 20.8.5 Preliminary Meeting The applicant shall meet with the Department of Planning and Sustainability to discuss the initial concepts for the development plan, Envision Franklin, and procedures. 20.8.6 Pre-Application Requirements The applicant shall hold a pre-application meeting with the DRT to review the draft development plan and discuss Ordinance requirements. The applicant shall submit preapplication documents to the Department of Planning and Sustainability as defined by the calendar published on the City website. 20.8.7 Neighborhood Meeting The applicant shall hold at least one formal neighborhood meeting, typically held prior to the development plan application submittal. The applicant shall: A. Coordinate the neighborhood meeting date, time, and location with the Department of Planning and Sustainability; B. Mail the public notice for the neighborhood meeting in accordance with Subsection 20.2.9, Public Notice; and C. Conduct the neighborhood meeting and provide a written summary of the meeting, noting concerns of surrounding property owners, with the application resubmittal. The meeting shall be attended by a City staff member to meet the neighborhood meeting requirement. 20.8.8 Application Submittal A. The applicant shall submit a development plan application in accordance with Section 20.2, Common Review Procedures. B. If an applicant wishes to request a modification of standards, the request shall be made as part of the initial application submittal. A modification of standards is not needed for a standard that allows the DRT to approve an alternative. C. Applications for buildings over six stories or 75 feet shall include a viewshed analysis that includes three-dimensional imagery of the proposal and the surrounding buildings and properties to better understand how the proposed building will impact the nearby built and natural environment. 20.8.9 Joint Conceptual Workshop A. Prior to the joint conceptual workshop, the applicant shall submit the following to the Department of Planning and Sustainability: 1. A brief overview of the project size and scope; 2. A summary of the existing site conditions; 3. A summary of any modification of standards requests; and 4. A summary of the pre-application meeting in a format suitable for display during the workshop and posting on the City website.