20 334 Chapter Development Plan PROCEDURES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 this Subsection, means that any foundation of a building are installed and the building has begun to be erected vertically. E. If construction commences within five years of the original approval date, the development plan will remain valid for: 1. Ten years from the original approval date for single-phase development plan; or 2. 15 years from the original approval date for a multi-phase development plan. F. If a project is not complete by the end of this time period, the applicant/developer may request an extension of the vesting period and extension of the development plan expiration date, pursuant to Section 20.19, Vesting. 20.8.16 Revisions to an Approved Development Plan Revisions to an approved development plan are still subject to the expiration date of the original approval of the development plan in Subsection 20.8.15, Expiration of a Development Plan. As such, revisions to development plans approved after a project has commenced construction will also not “restart” the clock on expiration timelines. Revisions to an approved development plan that are denied by the applicable review body may affect the vesting property rights, per Section 20.19, Vesting. Review of requests for revisions to an approved development plan are subject to one of the three processes described in Paragraphs 20.8.16.A through C below: A. Revision by BOMA Resolution The following revisions trigger the entire review procedures and public notification, including neighborhood meeting and joint conceptual workshop, as required for the original development plan approval, with final action by BOMA resolution: 1. Any increase in entitlements, including the number of dwelling units or nonresidential square footage; 2. Changes or increase from single family residential to any other residential use; 3. Changes in nonresidential square footage related to institutional or industrial use; 4. Adding a use that is not otherwise identified on the approved development plan; 5. A change in the number or location of external access points or streets classified as collector or arterial street; 6. Revisions to the widths or lengths of provided buffers, historic resource edge treatments, stormwater, etc.; 7. Any revision to a condition of approval required by the BOMA; or 8. Any revision that requires a MOS or that requires a change to a previouslyapproved MOS. B. Revision by FMPC Approval The following revisions trigger the entire review procedures and public notification, including neighborhood meeting and joint conceptual workshop, as required for the original development plan approval, with final action by the FMPC: 1. Changes to setbacks or frontage types approved as part of the development plan that change the character of the project; 2. Major changes to typical lots or building sites in either dimension or number of lots or building sites in a section or throughout the development; 3. Reduction in approved open space within any section of the development