Franklin Zoning Ordinance

337 PROCEDURES Variance 20 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 C. Conditions of approval may be imposed if the intent of the conditions is to uphold the general purpose and intent of this Ordinance. D. Nonconforming uses or structures shall not be grounds for a variance. E. Self-imposed hardships, or actions taken by the applicant, rather than conditions unique to the lot in question, shall not be grounds for a variance. 20.10.8 Effect of a Variance A. The issuance of a variance shall authorize only the particular variation that is approved in the variance. B. A variance, including any conditions of approval, shall run with the land and shall not be affected by a change in ownership. C. The issuance of a variance shall not result in an action that has the effect of allowing a use or the use regulations not otherwise permitted in the applicable zoning district or overlay district. Any action that has in effect changed the district shall be deemed to be a violation of this Section and shall be of no force and effect. 20.10.9 Subsequent Development Development authorized by the variance shall only be carried out when the applicant has secured all other approvals required by this Ordinance or any other applicable ordinances or regulations. 20.10.10 Expiration of a Variance A. Variances shall expire two years from the date of issuance, except as outlined in Paragraph 20.10.10.B below. One six month extension may be granted by the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services for the approved scope of work. Requests must be made in writing prior to the variance expiration date. B. For variances associated with the approval of a plan considered vested by Subsection 20.19.1, Initiation of Vesting, a variance expiration shall coincide with the duration of that vesting period, in accordance with Section 20.19, Vesting. 20.10.11 Amendment to an Approved Variance A variance may be amended, extended, or modified only in accordance with the procedures and standards established for its original approval. A request for a change in the conditions of approval of a variance shall be considered an amendment and subject to the full review procedure set forth in this Section.