Franklin Zoning Ordinance

20 340 Chapter Site Plan PROCEDURES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 20.12 Site Plan 20.12.1 Purpose The purpose of a site plan is to ensure site development compliance with all applicable standards in this Ordinance and to develop a site construction plan set. 20.12.2 Applicability A. Site plans shall comply with the specific review procedures in this Section. B. Site plan approval shall be required for development prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, unless exempted by Subsection 20.12.4, Exemptions. C. Site plans shall be submitted for approval by the FMPC if the application includes: 1. A buffer per Section 12.7, Buffers; 2. A new structure exceeding six stories or 75 feet; 3. Property within the HPO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3; 4. Property in the OR district related to a nonresidential use; 5. Property within the 1ST or 5TH districts and within the FWO or FFO; 6. A telecommunication tower not administratively approvable pursuant to Paragraph 5.1.4.Y, Telecommunication Towers and Antennas; 7. A unified site plan; 8. An event venue; 9. A gas station; 10. A bed and breakfast; or 11. A use classified as civic and institutional per Subsection 5.1.3, Permitted Principal Uses by Zoning District. D. All other site plans shall be subject to administrative review and approval by the DRT. 20.12.3 Unified Site Plan A. Nonresidential uses with two or more lots may be submitted as a unified site plan. B. Multifamily residential in the RC4, RC6, and RC12 districts, where permitted as part of the overall building square footage of a development, shall be submitted as a unified site plan that includes the entire development site. C. Requirements for unified site plans shall be determined based on the perimeter lot lines of the overall site, regardless of the location, ownership, size, or quantity of the interior lots. D. Unified site plans shall comply with the following: 1. Bulk requirements to be considered in aggregate shall include buffers, building setbacks, open space, landscape surface area, tree protection, parking, and stormwater requirements; 2. Site development for all lots shall be depicted on the unified site plan; 3. The unified site plan shall serve as the preliminary plat in the platting process; and 4. The final plat shall be required to contain perpetual maintenance agreements for shared responsibility of site improvements. 20.12.4 Exemptions The following development shall be exempt from site plan review, but shall comply with all standards of this Ordinance and any other City requirements prior to issuance of a building permit: A. Plans for a single house or duplex and associated accessory structures; B. Plans for nonresidential additions that do not exceed ten percent of the square footage of the building and do not require