20 342 Chapter Site Plan PROCEDURES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 a. Approval; b. Approval with conditions; c. Disapproval; or d. Deferral for continued review of the application. 20.12.9 Approval Criteria Recommendations and final action on a site plan shall be based on consideration of the following criteria: A. Whether the proposed development complies with the applicable zoning district and overlay districts; B. Whether the proposed development is consistent with all standards of this Ordinance and other related codes and ordinances enforced by the City; and C. Whether the proposed development meets all the requirements or conditions of any other applicable development approvals, such as a development plan or associated modification of standards. 20.12.10 Non-Vested Site Plans and Time Limits The following time limits shall apply to site plans that were approved on or before December 31, 2014, or approved on or after January 1, 2015, that are associated with a development plan, concept plan, or preliminary plat originally approved on or before December 31, 2014: A. Unless otherwise specified in the site plan approval, an application for a building permit shall be applied for and the permit issued within one year of the date of the site plan approval, otherwise the site plan shall become invalid. Permitted timeframes do not change with successive owners. B. Site plans for residential development that do not have an approved building permit within one year of the date of the site plan approval, a grading and stormwater permit shall be approved and construction of streets, water, sewer, sidewalk, utilities, and any other infrastructure shall have commenced within one year of the date of the residential site plan approval. C. Upon written request, the applicant may request a one-year extension of the site plan approval from the review body responsible for the original approval. The extension shall be requested prior to the expiration date. All dates are calculated from the date of site plan approval by the applicable review body, not the date that plans are stamped for permitting. 20.12.11 Expiration of a Site Plan A. In accordance with T.C.A. § 13-4-310, site plans will expire after three years of their approval date or upon the expiration of its vesting, whichever occurs first. The approval date of a site plan is the date upon which the item is approved, or approved with conditions, on an administrative or FMPC agenda. B. A site plan expiration date may be extended if the applicant: 1. Obtains necessary permits to start site preparation; and 2. Begins site preparation work, which includes any of the following activities: excavating, grading, demolition, removing excess debris to allow for proper grading, or providing a surface for a proper foundation, drainage, and settling for a development project, and physical improvements, such as water and sanitary sewer lines, footings, or foundations installed on the site for which construction permits are required. C. If both requirements in Paragraph 20.12.11.A above are met, a site plan will