Franklin Zoning Ordinance

20 348 Chapter Vesting PROCEDURES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 In most cases, a final plat will be required before a building permit is issued to commence construction. Approval of a Plan that Initiates Vesting 1. Site Plan Approval 2. Obtain Permits 3. Start Site Prep 3 YRS 2 YRS Commence Construction Project Complete 5 YRS SINGLE PHASE OR 10 YRS MULTI PHASE This occurs when the applicable review body approves a development plan, a preliminary plat, or a site plan that is not associated with a development plan or preliminary plat. Site plan approval is only applicable when a development plan or preliminary plat is the vested plan. 10 yrs Single Phase or 15 yrs Multi Phase Expiration Dates 1. DEVELOPMENT PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT = 3 Years At three years, an applicant may request an extension of the vesting period. Otherwise, the project must re-submit from the beginning to re-establish any entitlement. 2. SITE PLANS = Site plan is approved for 3 years without site prep, or 5 years without commencing construction, or whenever vesting is lost, whichever happens 1st 3. FINAL PLATS = 1 Year If a final plat is not recorded within 1 year of its approval date, the plat is invalid and must be resubmitted with the City. Figure 20.19.2.A Vesting Flowchart