365 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Measurements, Calculations, and Interpretation of Dimensional Standards 23 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 allowed herein; 3. The appurtenance does not exceed a maximum height of 200 feet above grade; and 4. The appurtenance is not constructed for the purpose of providing additional floor area in the building. Figure 23.2.3.A Building height with uninhabitable attic Figure 23.2.3.B Building height with inhabitable attic D. In the R4, R6, and OR districts and for transitional features, the building height for ‘one-half story above the average height of existing buildings on the same block face’ is calculated as follows: 1. Divide the sum of the stories on the block face by the total number of principal buildings on the block face to find the average height; 2. Add 0.5 story to the average height of the block face, then 3. Round the height to the nearest half or whole story. 4. See the example scenario below: Figure 23.2.3.C Calculating Height Principle Buildings On the Block Face Stories 102 Street A 1.5 104 Street A 1.0 106 Street A 1.0 108 Street A 1.5 110 Street A 1.5 112 Street A 1.0 114 Street A 1.0 116 Street A 1.0 118 Street A 1.5 120 Street A 1.0 Sum of Stories 12.0 Number of Principle Buildings 10 Average Height (Sum of Stories Divided by Number of Principal Buildings) 1.2 Add 0.5 to Average Height 1.7 Round to Nearest Half or Whole Story 1.5 Maximum Permitted Height 1.5