23 378 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Commercial Uses The classification of those principal uses as listed under that heading in Subsection 5.1.3, Permitted Principal Uses by Zoning District. Commercial Vehicles and Trailers An accessory use as defined by the Municipal Code. Community Gardens Land gardened by a group of people for the purposes of growing and harvesting food crops or ornamental crops. Community gardens may be divided into separate plots or may be farmed collectively by the group, and may include common areas maintained and used by group members. Compact Spaces Parking spaces with a minimum square footage of approximately 128 square feet intended for small or compact cars. Companion Animal Any dog, cat, or other domesticated animal normally maintained in or near the household of the owner or person who cares for such other domesticated animal. Connect Franklin The comprehensive transportation network plan maintained by the City of Franklin that defines functional street classifications as local, collector, arterial, etc. It is also called the Comprehensive Transportation Network Plan, Major Thoroughfare Plan, Multimodal Major Thoroughfare Plan. Conservation Easement The grant of a property right to create an environment where the land and the landscape will remain in its natural state, but does allow for supplementation of additional landscape plantings and removal of dead, dying, or invasive plant material. Construction For purposes of the State Vested Property Rights Act of 2014, means the erection of construction materials in a permanent position and fastened in a permanent manner. Where excavation, demolition or removal of an existing building has been substantially begun prior to rebuilding, such excavation, demolition or removal shall be deemed to be construction; provided, that work shall be carried on diligently and complies with all applicable requirements. Construction Dumpster Temporary trash receptacles used to hold waste from construction projects. Construction Trailer Mobile structures used to accommodate temporary offices, dining facilities, and storage of building materials during construction projects. Continuum of Care Facilities A facility providing one or any combination of assisted living, nursing home, or skilled nursing for the elderly or for other individuals incapacitated in some manner for medical reasons, as determined and licensed and/ or certified by the Tennessee Department of Health, Board of Licensing Health Care Facilities. Included in this definition are homes for the aged, as defined by T.C.A. § 68-11-201. Continuum of care facilities may include a small amount of age-restricted independent living as part of the overall continuum of care.