Franklin Zoning Ordinance

379 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Defined Terms 23 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Convenience Sign A type of sign described as such in Section 15.6, Convenience Sign. Corner Lot A lot located at the intersection of two streets that has frontage on each street. Each street frontage is considered a front lot line and has a front yard. The lot lines that do not front any street are considered side lot lines with side yards, which are defined separately. . Cornice A horizontal member, structural or nonstructural, of any building, projecting outward from the top of exterior walls, including eaves and other roof overhang. Correctional Facilities A facility for the detention, confinement, treatment or rehabilitation of persons arrested or convicted for the violation of criminal law. Such facilities include an adult detention center, juvenile delinquency center, jail, and prison. These facilities house prisoners who are in the custody of City or county law enforcement and are typically government-owned. Courtyard The type of open space described as such in Section 11.7, Courtyard. Critical Lot An individual lot in a recorded subdivision that requires a more detailed review prior to the issuance of a building permit due to topography, steep slopes, soils, potential land disturbance, stormwater, floodplain, public infrastructure, specimen trees, or other site conditions that warrant additional administrative review. Critical Lot Plan An administratively reviewed plan submitted prior to issuance of a building permit for a critical lot. Critical Root Zone (CRZ) A circular area measured outward from a tree trunk, representing the essential area of the roots that must be maintained for the tree’s survival. The CRZ is measured one foot of radial distance for every inch of tree at diameter at breast height, with a minimum of ten feet. Cross Access Vehicular and pedestrian access provided between parking areas of two or more development sites, building sites, parcels of land, or any combination thereof, intended to allow movement between the sites without the use of a public street. Cross Access Easement An easement or other development right offered to one party by another party that allows ingress and egress across private lands. Cross access easements are typically granted over or across surface parking areas.