Franklin Zoning Ordinance

03 38 Chapter MR—Mixed Residential District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 3.9.7 Dimensional Standards for Duplexes and Townhouses The following dimensional standards for duplexes and townhouses are required: A. Lots shall be platted in a manner in which each dwelling unit is situated on a separately platted lot where the applicable side lot line runs coincident with the common wall separating the dwelling units. The building type shall be designated on the plat as the only building type permitted on such lot. B. Duplexes that are horizontally split by floors shall not comply with this Subsection and instead comply with Subsection 3.9.6, Dimensional Standards for Houses and Multiplexes. Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 2,275 square feet Lot Width 18 feet Front Lot Line 15 feet Number Maximum Dwelling Units 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Dwelling Unit Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 8 feet Side Yard 0 feet when on a side lot line is designated for a common wall separating dwelling units 5 feet on any other side lot line Rear Yard 15 feet Rear Yard Abutti ng an Alley See building type for garage setbacks Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard Not Permitted Rear Yard 6 feet max, but no closer than 10 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building Height Maximum Principal Building 3 stories Accessory Structure 2 stories, but shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 20% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern