23 382 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Double Frontage Lot A lot having frontage on two parallel streets or approximately parallel streets. Double Frontage Lot Double Frontage Lot Street Street Drive Aisle (of a Parking Area) A vehicular accessway located within a parking area that serves individual parking spaces and driveways. Drive-In/Drive-Through Facilities A facility where a type of service is provided by a business that allows customers to purchase products without leaving their vehicles. Drive-In/Drive-Through Restaurants An establishment engaged in the retail sale of ready-to-consume food and drinks in disposable containers, for consumption on or off the premises, which has drive-in or drivethrough facilities so that patrons may be served while remaining in their vehicles. Driveway A vehicular access-way within a lot, building site, or development site from a street or internal drive to provide access to a parking area, garage, parking structure, or building entrance. Driveway Apron The portion of the driveway extending from the edge of the pavement of the street to the back of sidewalk section, or the right-of-way line if no sidewalk exists. Dry-Stack A building method by which structures are constructed from stones without any mortar to bind them together. Duplex (Building Type) The principal building type described as such in Section 6.4, Duplex. Duplex (Use Type) A type of residential use in a building containing two dwelling units, each of which has direct access to the outside or a common hallway leading outside. Dwelling See Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit An area within a structure designed and constructed to be occupied for human habitation by a one family, as defined in this Chapter. A structure may consist of one detached dwelling unit (house); or more than one attached dwelling unit in the case of duplexes, townhouses, multiplexes, and multifamily. Dwelling units do not include hotels, motels, boarding houses, group homes, correctional facilities, continuum of care facilities, rehabilitation centers, or other structures designed for transient occupation.