23 384 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Envision Franklin The general plan for physical development in the City of Franklin. Also called a long range plan or land use plan. Erosion The process of the gradual wearing away of land. Essential Services Public buildings, government facilities, or public or private utilities. Establishment A place of business with its furnishings and staff. Estate Enclosure A technique for screening historically significant lands and structures from adjacent development as described in Section 18.5, Estate Enclosure. Event Tent Collapsible tents and membrane structures used as temporary shelter for events and parties. Event Venue A commercial establishment for private rental for events, such as weddings, wedding receptions, bridal receptions, rehearsal luncheons and dinners, anniversary celebrations, galas, birthday parties, family reunions, retirement parties, corporate meetings, conferences, trade shows, speaker luncheon series, auctions, and similar events. Evergreen Tree A tree with foliage that is not dropped annually or that remains green throughout the year. Exception For the purposes of Section 17.6, Floodplain Regulations, a waiver from the provisions of this Ordinance which relieves the applicant from the requirements of a rule, regulation, order, or other determination made or issued pursuant to Section 17.6, Floodplain Regulations. Existing Construction within the FWO or FFO Overlay Districts Any structure for which the “start of construction” commenced before the effective date of the initial floodplain management ordinance, dated 9/14/76, adopted by the City of Franklin as a basis for participation in the National Floodplain Insurance Program. Existing Grade The slope or elevation of existing ground surface prior to cutting, grading, or filling. Existing Manufactured Home Park or Subdivision For the purposes of Section 17.6, Floodplain Regulations, a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed before the effective date of the first floodplain management code or ordinance adopted by the community as a basis for that community’s participation in the National Floodplain Insurance Program. Existing Structure Any structure for which the “start of construction” commenced before the effective date of this Ordinance.