23 390 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 g Garage A detached accessory structure or part of a dwelling unit used for the parking or storage of vehicles as an accessory use. Garage/Yard Sale The occasional sale of miscellaneous household goods in the garage or yard of a resident’s dwelling. Garden Center A retail operation that sells plants and related products for the domestic garden as its primary business. Their plant stock is typically propagated elsewhere, such as by specialist nurseries or wholesalers. Gas Station An establishment where fuel is sold for automotive vehicles, often with a small convenience store carrying a limited selection of groceries and household items. Gazebo A freestanding, roofed, usually open-sided structure providing seating or an area for gathering. General Requirements and Technical Specifications Water Management Department City of Franklin, Tennessee Guidelines for Engineers, Contractors, and Developers for the planning, design, and construction of water distribution systems, wastewater collection systems, reclaimed water systems, and associated appurtenances within the Water Management Department service area. The specifications identify standards, criteria, submittal requirements, and approval procedures to be used for projects within the City of Franklin. General Warehousing Structures used for the storage or distribution of goods where there is no sale of items to retailers or the general public unless permitted as an accessory use to the warehouse. Genus A taxonomic category ranking of types of organisms below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. Geotechnical Report A comprehensive assessment of geological conditions of a particular area where construction is proposed. Glare The reflection or harsh, bright light and the physical effect resulting from high luminance or insufficiently shielded light sources to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility. Glazing The portion of an exterior building surface occupied by glass. Golf Course Land laid out for golf with a series of nine or 18 holes each including tee, fairway, and putting green and often one or more natural or artificial hazards. Golf courses typically include a clubhouse with ancillary restaurant and driving range.