Franklin Zoning Ordinance

23 394 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Invasive Exotic Pest Plants of Tennessee A document published by the Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council that specifies nuisance plants that shall not be used toward meeting the landscaping requirements in this Ordinance. I-65 Interstate-65 (I-65) is a controlled access highway that is part of the federal interstate highway system. j k Kiosk A small structure in a public area used for providing information, displaying advertisements, or selling goods. Knee Wall A low-wall that is often part of or within a building. l Land The earth, water, and air, above, below, or on the surface, including any improvements or structures customarily regarded as land. Land-Disturbing Activity Any human-made change of the land surface including removing vegetative cover, demolition, excavating, filling, or grading, but not including agricultural uses. Landscape Vegetation, whether existing or planted that is located on a lot or site. Landscape includes areas used by such vegetation that are occupied by a ground cover such as mulch, pine straw, or living ground cover. Landscape Frontage A frontage type described as such in Section 7.5, Landscape Frontage. Landscape Island A planting area within a surface parking area that is designated for trees, shrubs, and groundcover for the purposes of providing visual relief and heat abatement. Landscape Plan Separate sheets of a submittal for a site plan application that show how the development is designed to meet tree protection, landscape, buffers, and screening requirements. Landscape Surface Area The portion of a lot or development site not covered by impervious surface and is available for accommodating landscape material, inclusive of plant material, soil, dirt, sand, gravel, rock, stone, mulch, or pervious hardscape. Large-Scale Office Building Type A principal building type described as such in Section 6.10, Large-Scale Office Building.