23 398 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Microbreweries/Craft Distilleries (Accessory Use) An accessory use that is part of a restaurant principal use, which includes small brewery or distillery production that is limited to artisanal, small-batch, or specialty beer or alcohol. This use is intended primarily for on-site retail sales and consumption. Minor Accessory Structure A type of accessory structure that has a footprint of 200 square feet or less. Examples include storage or potting sheds, workshops, and greenhouses. Mixed-Use Development A tract of land or structure developed for both residential and nonresidential uses. Such uses may be vertically integrated within a multistory building or horizontally integrated within one or more buildings on a lot or development site. Mobile Food Vendor A type of temporary use as defined by the Municipal Code. Mobile Home A structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent single chassis and designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when attached to the required utilities. The term “manufactured home” does not include “recreational equipment”. For the purposes of this definition, “manufactured home” and “mobile home” shall be considered interchangeable. Mobile Service Provider Office A home occupation use that is limited to the office accommodations for a professional service that is carried out in transitory locations. Examples include, but are not limited to mobile automotive detailing services and mobile pet grooming services. Modification of Standards (MOS) A modification of the standards of this Ordinance as described in Section 20.8, Development Plan. Monopole A structure composed of a single pole used to support telecommunications equipment and antennas. Monument Sign A type of sign described as such in Section 15.10, Monument Sign. Moving Sign A sign or device that swings, undulates, or otherwise attracts attention through the movement of parts, or through the impression of movement, and includes flashing, fluttering, moving, pennant, revolving, rotating, streamer, windblown, or similar signs or devices (e.g.inflatable tube signs, feather banner signs, etc.). Multi-Phase Development A development consisting of two or more distinct phases intended to occur in a sequential order. Multi-Stemmed Tree A canopy or understory tree having two or more primary stems or trunks, each of which is included within the determination of caliper or DBH.