Franklin Zoning Ordinance

403 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Defined Terms 23 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Parcel See “Lot”. Parked Vehicle Sign Signs placed on or affixed to vehicles or trailers that are parked on a public or private street or on public or private property so as to be visible from a public or private street or internal drive. This does not pertain to signs placed on or affixed to vehicles, where the sign is incidental to the primary use of the vehicle or trailer or to exclude the advertising of the vehicle for sale. Parking Area Parking spaces that serve a principal use. Parking Bay A parking area consisting of one row of parking spaces or stalls and the drive aisle from which vehicles enter and leave the spaces. Parking Frontage A frontage type described as such in Section 7.4, Parking Frontage. Parking Pad An improved surface located on a residential lot for vehicle parking. Parking Space A space that is designated for the parking or temporary storage of one vehicle. Parking Structure A structure designed for vehicular parking below, at, and/or above grade, excluding, however, a garage. Passive Parks, Passive Recreation Land used for low-intensity recreation, open space, and conservation of natural habitat. Improvements are natural resourceoriented, such as picnic areas, canoe launches, arboretums, benches, trails for hiking, biking, or horseback riding, and archaeological and historical sites. Site disturbances, such as grading, vegetation removal, and lighting are minimal. These facilities are often located within dedicated natural areas. Pedestrian A person traveling on foot under their own locomotion. Pedestrian-Scale Lighting Devices intended to provide exterior lighting that are lower in height than commercial lighting and located proximate to pedestrian areas such as sidewalks, open space areas, or plazas. Performance Agreement An agreement between an applicant or developer and the City to ensure the completion of required improvements as part of site plan or final plat approval. Perimeter Landscape A planting area with vegetative material, walls, fences, and/or associated ground cover located along the perimeter of a surface parking area used as screening. Perimeter Planting Strip A planting area along the outer edge of a surface parking area.