Franklin Zoning Ordinance

23 408 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Recycling Drop-Off Center A small collection facility where recyclable materials are purchased or accepted from the public. It is an accessory use. Redevelopment Any proposed expansion, addition, renovation, or major change to an existing building, structure, or aspect of development. Refuse Area Area containing dumpsters, trash compaction, garbage or recycling collection, and other similar service areas. Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation The Base Flood Elevation plus the Freeboard. In Special Flood Hazard Areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) have been determined, this elevation shall be the BFE plus one foot. In Special Flood Hazard Areas where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least three feet above the highest adjacent grade. Regulatory Floodway The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height. Rehabilitation (of a Historic Structure) The act of returning a historic structure to usable condition through repair, alteration, and/or preservation of its features. Rehabilitation Center A facility that provides formal, organized, services designed to alter specific physical, mental, or social functions of persons under treatment by reducing disability or discomfort. Such facilities also ameliorate the signs or symptoms causing such functions, which may include physical therapy, counseling, vocational, social and/or educational services aimed at restoring the overall well-being, health, and abilities of those being treated, as determined and licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health, Board of Licensing Health Care Facilities. Rehabilitation centers may be stand-alone facilities or be a component of other facilities. Remote Parking A parking area intended to serve one or more nonresidential uses provided on a different parcel or lot than the nonresidential use it is intended to serve. Replacement Tree A tree that is required to be planted after the development of a site to replace predevelopment existing trees that were removed either accidentally or in violation of this Ordinance during or as a result of the land disturbance process. Required Landscape Landscape requirements, including site landscaping, parking area landscaping, buffers, streetscape landscaping, street trees, historic resource edge treatments, or screening composed of vegetative materials. Required Yard The space between a lot line and a building within which no structure shall be permitted, except as authorized in this Ordinance.