23 414 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Single-Family Residential (Use Type) A type of residential use containing one dwelling unit on its own lot, surrounded by open yards on all sides, and intended for permanent occupancy as a single-family residence, as defined below: One or more persons occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit. A dwelling unit will be considered a single-family residence only if its permanent occupants are limited to one of the following categories: A. One or more persons related by blood, marriage, civil union, or adoption, guardianship, or other custodial relationship; B. The description in A above, plus no more than one person who is not related to the occupant(s) in A above; all of whom occupy the dwelling unit and function as a single housekeeping unit with common kitchen facilities; providing unrestricted access to the entire dwelling to all occupants; sharing food and other necessities; and sharing household expenses and responsibilities; C. Not more than four persons not so related, living together in a dwelling unit as a single housekeeping unit with common kitchen facilities; D. Not more than five adult persons who are elderly or have a disability who reside in an adult care home as defined by T.C.A. § 6811-201; or E. Eight or fewer unrelated persons with disabilities and up to three persons acting as support staff or guardians, who need not to be related to each other or to any of the other persons residing in the dwelling unit, pursuant to T.C.A. § 13-24-102. The single-family dwelling definition does not include residences where persons with disabilities reside that are operated on a commercial basis. As used in this definition, “disabilities” does not include persons who are mentally ill and, because of such mental illness, pose a substantial likelihood of serious harm as defined in T.C.A. § 336-501, or who have been convicted of serious criminal conduct related to such mental illness. Determination of whether a person is considered to be a permanent occupant is based on the following criteria: A. Occupies a dwelling for more than 21 days a month on average within any 12-month period; B. Registers to vote using the address of a dwelling; C. Receives mail at a dwelling; D. Registers a vehicle or applies for a driver’s license using the address of the dwelling; and E. Is registered to attend school, if applicable, using the address of the dwelling. A single-family dwelling unit may include a separate quarters for persons who are related by blood, marriage, civil union, or adoption, guardianship, or other custodial relationship, provided such quarters are connected by interior passageways to the other portions of the dwelling unit and are not rented to any unrelated tenants or otherwise used in violation of this Ordinance. If more than one meter is installed for the same type of household utility service, it will be presumed that a structure is not being used as a singlefamily dwelling. Site The spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures. The term includes lots, building sites, and development sites.