419 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Defined Terms 23 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Temporary Field Office A temporary nonresidential use employed as a temporary working space while an existing principal use is rebuilt, altered, expanded, or renovated. Temporary Holiday Storage in a Shipping Container A shipping container used for holiday storage that serves an existing principal use. Temporary Housing A temporary residential use employed as a temporary living space while an existing dwelling is rebuilt, altered, expanded, or renovated on a site where a previous dwelling was destroyed or rendered uninhabitable. Temporary Place of Business An approved structure intended to provide a temporary place of business on a site where the previous place of business was destroyed or deemed unsafe for human occupancy by natural disaster or hazard. Temporary Sign A type of sign described as such in Section 15.18, Temporary Sign. Temporary Storage in a Shipping Container A storage shipping container that serves an existing principal use. Temporary Structures for Institutional Uses Modular classrooms or portable buildings serving institutional uses. Tenant Space The portion of a building being occupied or leased for the purchase or use of goods and services. Ten-Year Flood Zone The area which has a minimum statistical probability of one in ten of being flooded in any given year. Tent A temporary portable structure typically composed of fabric or plastic stretched over poles or other support structure intended to provide habitable space on a short-term basis Text Amendment A change in the wording or substance of this Ordinance. Theater A structure used for dramatic, operatic, motion pictures, or other performance. Three-Dimensional Model Three-dimensional imagery of proposed buildings and the surrounding buildings to better understand how the proposed building will impact the nearby built and natural environment The three-dimensional model shall include height, massing, scale, and setbacks.