Franklin Zoning Ordinance

6 Franklin Zoning Ordinance Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 The Franklin Zoning Ordinance is intended to facilitate the type of high-quality, vibrant, and sustainable development prescribed by Envision Franklin. This Ordinance provides standards organized around the following areas: A. The zoning map divides the City into zoning districts and any applicable overlay districts. B. The zoning districts regulate the uses, building types, frontage types, building setbacks, number of buildings, landscape surface area, and other standards for a lot in Chapter 3. C. The overlay districts may further regulate uses and require additional development standards in Chapter 4. D. Use regulations cover the principal, accessory, and temporary uses permitted by zoning district, along with any additional regulations that may apply to a particular use in Chapter 5. E. Building types contain the standards that apply to each type of building regulated by this Ordinance in Chapter 6. F. Frontage types regulate the type of development along the street edge in Chapter 7. G. Development standards in Chapters 8 through 18 are organized around transitional features, streets and circulation, parking and transit, open space, landscape, fences, walls, and screening, lighting, signs, utilities, natural resources, and historic resources. H. The review bodies and their authority are outlined in Chapter 19. BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE STREETSCAPE USES HOW TO USE THIS ORDINANCE