Franklin Zoning Ordinance

04 72 Chapter HHO—Hillside Hillcrest Overlay District OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 3. Be constructed and placed on the site to achieve the minimum resistance to the flow of floodwaters; 4. Be firmly anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, and lateral movement, which otherwise may result in damage to other structures; and 5. Have utilities and service facilities, such as electrical and heating equipment, elevated or otherwise protected from intrusion of flood waters. 4.3.7 Prohibited Development A. For residential uses, other than multifamily residential, any portion of land within the FFO shall be placed in an open space lot and shall be noted on the final plat as nonbuildable. B. Any portion of land within the FFO on a nonresidential, mixed-use, or multifamily development site shall: 1. Be placed in an open space lot and noted on the final plat as non-buildable; or 2. Be placed in an easement where the permitted uses and encroachments are limited to the uses and encroachments in Subsection 4.3.4, Permitted Uses, and Subsection 4.3.5, Permitted Encroachments. 4.4 HHO—Hillside Hillcrest Overlay District 4.4.1 Purpose The HHO district is intended to protect the City’s hillsides and hillcrests, including their natural and topographic character and identity, environmental sensitivities, aesthetic qualities, and viewshed. 4.4.2 District Boundaries The HHO boundaries shall be determined by a combination of GIS data, including elevation contours of hillsides and hillcrests, steep slopes, and a viewshed analysis from major thoroughfares. 4.4.3 Permitted Uses The following uses are the only uses permitted in the HHO: A. Passive parks and natural areas; and B. Telecommunication towers and antennas. 4.4.4 Permitted Encroachments The following encroachments are the only encroachments permitted in the HHO: A. Public infrastructure and associated retaining walls. 4.4.5 Prohibited Development A. Any portion of land within the HHO shall: 1. Be placed in an open space lot and noted on the final plat as non-buildable; or 2. Be placed in a conservation easement within a lot where the buildable portion is outside of the HHO. B. Tree removal shall be prohibited, unless written verification is provided from a certified arborist that a tree is dead or dying or there is the danger of a tree falling or damaging structures. The Department