04 76 Chapter NCO—Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 4.6 NCO—Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District 4.6.1 Purpose The NCO district is intended to: A. Protect the traditional character and distinctive features of established neighborhoods; and B. Have tailored development standards for each NCO to regulate new buildings so they relate to and strengthen the core characteristics of the neighborhood while mitigating adverse impacts on adjacent properties. 4.6.2 District Boundaries and Designation Criteria The NCO shall be comprised of individual overlay districts in different blocks or neighborhoods. Each NCO shall meet the following criteria: A. The NCO contains a minimum of one block face; B. At least 75 percent of the land area in the NCO is improved or developed; C. One or more of the following distinctive features is present that creates a cohesive, identifiable setting, character, or association: 1. Scale, size, type of construction, or distinctive building materials; 2. Lot layouts, setbacks, street layouts, alleys, or sidewalks; 3. Special natural or streetscape characteristics, such as creek beds, parks, gardens, or street landscaping; 4. Land use patterns, including mixed or unique uses or activities; or 5. Adjacent to or linking designated historic landmarks and/or districts; and D. The designation is supported by a petition of at least 51 percent of the total number of parcels or lots within the NCO. 4.6.3 Development Standards The NCO development standards adopted as part of the ordinance creating the NCO shall become the standards in the overlay district and may include: A. Development standards that supersede or augment the standards in this Ordinance; and B. Restriction or expansion of the use regulations of Chapter 5, Use Regulations. 4.6.4 Maintenance and Repair of Structures Property owners shall perform regular maintenance and repairs to maintain the exterior of structures in the NCO in conformance with all applicable building codes and Municipal Code. 4.6.5 Building Permit A building permit for construction, expansion, or alteration of a structure in the NCO may be issued only when the proposal complies with the development standards in the NCO.