Franklin Zoning Ordinance

77 OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS CAO—Columbia Avenue Overlay District 04 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 4.7 CAO—Columbia Avenue Overlay District 4.7.1 Purpose The CAO district is intended to: A. Enhance the character and function of the Columbia Avenue gateway into Franklin; B. Ensure the compatibility of new buildings with respect to the specific character of their immediate context; and C. Enhance the quality of development surrounding historic and cultural resources. 4.7.2 Applicability If the Historic District Design Guidelines and this Section conflict as they relate to any property within the CAO, the Historic District Design Guidelines shall take precedence. 4.7.3 District Boundaries The CAO generally contains properties fronting along the Columbia Avenue/Pike corridor. The CAO is divided into five sub-overlay districts as shown on the zoning map. 4.7.4 CAO1—Urban Commercial Development Sub-District Properties within the CAO1 shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection. A. Sub-District Boundaries The CAO1 includes properties along Columbia Avenue between Five Points and Fowlkes Street. This sub-district is characterized by: 1. A mix of one and two-story commercial buildings built over time; 2. Two historic residential buildings; and 3. Shallow front building setbacks with some variation. B. Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Building Setbacks Front Yard 5 feet minimum 10 feet maximum As measured from the back of the sidewalk Front Yard for Civic Building 5 feet minimum 40 feet maximum As measured from the back of the sidewalk Building Height Building Height 2 stories for buildings with frontage along Columbia Avenue or Fowlkes Street 3 stories for buildings that do not have frontage on the streets listed above; except for the following: Between Columbia Avenue and Cummins Street, and south of Church Street and at least 100 feet north of Blackburn Street, buildings may be up to three-andone-half stories when the upper one-and-one-halfstory is stepped back at least ten feet from the first and second stories. The upper one-half story may have either a pitched or flat roof. C. Building Type Standards 1. The following building types are the only permitted building types: a. Commercial/Mixed-Use Building b. House 2. For commercial/mixed use buildings of two or more stories with a facade width