Franklin Zoning Ordinance

04 80 Chapter CAO—Columbia Avenue Overlay District OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 4.7.7 CAO4—Suburban Commercial/ Industrial Development Sub-District Properties within the CAO4 shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection. A. Description The CAO4 includes properties along Columbia Avenue from near Downs Boulevard/Carr Avenue to Mack Hatcher Parkway, as shown on the zoning map. This sub-district is characterized by: 1. One and two-story commercial buildings with large footprints; and 2. Deep front setbacks with parking in front of the buildings. B. Stone Walls Historic stone walls shall be preserved, unless removal of a segment is necessary for the extension of a street, internal drive, or driveway. In these cases, only the minimum width necessary shall be removed, pursuant to applicable requirements, and the remaining walls shall be stabilized. Excess removed stone wall segments shall be relocated on the site. 4.7.8 CAO5—Rural Gateway Development Sub-District Properties within the CAO5 shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection. A. Sub-District Boundaries The CAO5 includes properties along Columbia Pike, south of Mack Hatcher Parkway, as shown on the zoning map. This sub-district is characterized by: 1. Rural character and scenic beauty; 2. Environmentally sensitive areas; and 3. Historical significance. Columbia Pike serves as a southern gateway into the City and these characteristic above shall be retained. B. Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Building Setbacks (Minimum) See the SCO Building Height (Maximum) Building Height 2 1/2 stories C. Frontage and Landscape Requirements 1. The yard frontage is the only permitted frontage type. 2. See the SCO for landscape requirements. In addition, there shall be a historicallybased fence or a dry-stacked stone wall consistent in design and stone type, as applicable, with historic antecedents in the County.