Franklin Zoning Ordinance

04 82 Chapter SCO—Scenic Corridor Overlay District OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 4.9 SCO—Scenic Corridor Overlay District Properties within the SCO shall comply with the requirements of this Section. 4.9.1 Purpose The SCO district is intended to: A. Protect the City’s natural beauty along scenic corridors by preserving viewsheds and gateways; and B. Enhance the City's community identity through landscape and common design elements. 4.9.2 Applicability A. In cases where the standards of this Section and other Chapters or Sections of this Ordinance conflict, the standard in this Section shall apply. B. Existing residential lots that are 2.25 acres or less are exempt from this Section. 4.9.3 District Boundaries The SCO shall encompass land fronting along the scenic corridors per their minimum front yard setbacks as listed in the table below: Scenic Corridor Intersecting Street Intersecting Street Minimum Front Yard Setback Carlisle Lane East of Roy F Alley Court West of Del Rio Pike 150 feet Carters Creek Pike West of Southhall - 80 feet Columbia Pike South of Mack Hatcher Parkway - 250 feet Del Rio Pike/Cotton Lane North of Del Rio Pike - 150 feet Franklin Road North of Hooper Lane South of Country Road 150 feet, except in the R4 district¹ Goose Creek Bypass West of Lewisburg Pike East of Columbia Pike 250 feet Lewisburg Pike South of Goose Creek Bypass - 80 feet Mack Hatcher Parkway, North Side North of Townsend Boulevard West of CSX Right-ofWay 150 feet Mack Hatcher Parkway, South Side North of Townsend Boulevard North of Liberty Pike 150 feet Murfreesboro Road West of Mack Hatcher Parkway East of the Harpeth River 150 feet, except in the R4 district¹ Murfreesboro Road East of Oxford Glen Drive - 150 feet New Highway 96 West, North Side West of Mack Hatcher Parkway - 300 feet New Highway 96 West, South Side West of Boyd Mill Pike - 300 feet Old Charlotte Pike North of New Highway 96 West West of Mack Hatcher Parkway 150 feet