85 USE REGULATIONS Principal Uses 05 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 5.1 Principal Uses 5.1.1 General Provisions A. Permitted principal uses by district are listed in the table in Subsection 5.1.3, Permitted Principal Uses by Zoning District. Specific uses are grouped into six use classifications: agricultural, residential, recreation, civic and institutional, commercial, and industrial. Certain zoning overlay districts may restrict or expand the permitted principal uses listed in the underlying zoning district. B. Certain uses are subject to additional requirements, as described in Subsection 5.1.4, Principal Use Regulations. C. In the case of a principal use not listed in the table, the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services, in consultation with the Department of Planning and Sustainability, may make a determination whether such use is substantially similar to a listed use. If no similar use determination can be made, the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services shall refer the use to the Department of Planning and Sustainability, who may initiate an amendment to this Ordinance to classify the use. 5.1.2 Principal Use Table Key A. A solid black circle indicates a permitted principal use in the respective district. The use is also subject to all other applicable requirements of this Ordinance. B. A half-black circle indicates additional requirements associated with the permitted principal use or uses in a district. The use is also subject to all other applicable requirements of this Ordinance. C. A blank cell indicates the principal use is not permitted in the respective district.