Franklin Zoning Ordinance

9 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Legal Provisions 01 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 1.1 Legal Provisions 1.1.1 Title This Ordinance shall be known as the “Franklin Zoning Ordinance”, referred to throughout this document as “this Ordinance”. 1.1.2 Authority This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by the Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) § 13-7-201 et seq., § 13-7401 et seq. and § 13-4-101 through § 13-4-310 et seq. 1.1.3 Effective Date This Ordinance was adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BOMA) and it became effective on January 1, 2025 by Ordinance 2024-34. 1.1.4 Establishment The adoption of this Ordinance hereby establishes all its Chapters, Sections, Subsections, sentences, phrases, and all other contents. 1.1.5 Applicability This Ordinance applies to all land, lots, buildings, structures, uses, improvements, and development or redevelopment activity located within the City of Franklin, Tennessee, referred to throughout this Ordinance as “the City”. 1.1.6 Purpose The purpose and intent of this Ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of residents and businesses in the City. This Ordinance is adopted to achieve the following: A. Implement the policies and principles contained within adopted general plans, including Envision Franklin; B. Enhance the quality of the built environment through exceptional site design, building form, uses, setbacks, activated streets, signage, and pedestrian focus; C. Facilitate infrastructure-supported growth, so that service demands of development and redevelopment will not exceed the capabilities of existing streets, utilities, or other public facilities and services; D. Direct higher intensity and taller buildings toward I-65 where infrastructure can support a thriving regional economy; E. Strategically locate pedestrian-oriented nonresidential and mixed-use nodes that serve surrounding residential neighborhoods to minimize traffic and trip length; F. Provide safe, efficient, and convenient vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit mobility and circulation patterns throughout the City; G. Improve active transportation for both destinations and recreation by connecting uses and development through sidewalks, multi-use paths, and nature trails; H. Promote a balanced mix of uses that is compatible with adjacent land uses and has good access to transportation and transit networks; I. Protect commercial and industrial activities to preserve and strengthen the City’s economic base; J. Protect the historic resources of the City, including structures, neighborhoods, districts, landmarks, landscapes, historic stone walls, cemeteries, streetscapes, and archaeological sites; K. Preserve and reinforce the character of established neighborhoods and ensure contextually compatible infill development; L. Provide a variety of housing types to serve