Franklin Zoning Ordinance

93 USE REGULATIONS Principal Uses 05 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 a maximum of 120 guest rooms. 3. Each guestroom shall be accessed from an interior corridor, not an exterior entrance. 4. Hotels shall provide high quality services such as concierge availability, meeting rooms, conference facilities, full service restaurants, sitting rooms, patios, and other amenities. 5. Hotels shall have a lobby that is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and 6. Hotels shall offer complimentary maid service. M.Indoor Animal Services 1. The building footprint for indoor animal services shall not be located within 200 feet of a property line of a residential lot, but may be reduced to 100 feet if the building is soundproofed. 2. This use shall adhere to the provisions in Title 10, Animal Control, as well as Title 11, Chapter 4, Offenses Against the Peace and Quiet, of the Municipal Code. N. Indoor/Outdoor Animal Services 1. The outdoor portion of any indoor/ outdoor animal services for: a. Companion animals shall not take place within 500 feet of a property line of a residential lot; and b. Farm animals shall not take place within 100 feet of a property line of a residential lot. 2. The building footprint for any indoor portion of animal services shall not be located within 200 feet of a property line of a residential lot, but may be reduced to 100 feet if the building is soundproofed. 3. Outdoor runs, kennels, and storage areas shall not be visible from streets or adjacent properties. O. Light Industrial Uses In the PD district, the following shall apply: 1. The location, square footage, and specific characteristics of the proposed light industrial use shall be clearly defined as part of an approved development plan. 2. The light industrial use shall be limited to the approved definition and description, which shall include: a. The overall intensity and square footage of the use; b. Hours of operation; c. Noise, odor, and vibration; d. Traffic and truck demand; and e. Other use-related characteristics. 3. No part of the defined use, as established by Clause 5.1.4.N.A, shall contain or expand into heavy industrial uses as defined in this Ordinance. 4. Light industrial uses shall not be located within 500 feet of a property line of a residential lot. P. Live/Work Units In accordance with the building codes, live/ work units shall comply with the following: 1. The live/work unit shall be within the townhouse building type. 2. The live/work unit shall not exceed 3,000 square feet. 3. The nonresidential area is permitted to be not more than 50 percent of the area of each live/work unit and limited to the first or main floor only. 4. The nonresidential area shall be limited to the office use type with no customers on-site. 5. Not more than five nonresidential workers or employees are permitted to occupy the nonresidential area at any