Franklin Zoning Ordinance

05 94 Chapter Principal Uses USE REGULATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 one time. Q. Machinery Assembly and Repair Facilities In the LI district, all assembly and repair activities shall take place within an enclosed structure. R. Multifamily Residential 1. In the CC and DD districts, where buildings containing multifamily residential are along a street frontage, they must have ground-floor commercial uses along the street frontage. 2. In the RC4, RC6, and RC12 districts, multifamily residential is permitted only if: a. It does not occupy more than 40 percent of the overall building square footage of the proposed development; b. It is integrated horizontally and/or vertically with the nonresidential uses in the proposed walkable development; and c. Stand-alone multifamily residential cannot be separated from the nonresidential uses by an arterial or collector street. S. Multiplexes In the 1ST district, multiplexes are permitted only outside of the FWO and FFO. T. Neighborhood Amenities Neighborhood amenities that have commercial activities, such as restaurants, banquet halls, food sales, pro shops, or retail sales, shall be allowed in residential districts only as part of an approved development plan. U. Rural Retreats Rural retreats shall comply with the following: 1. The overall development shall be a minimum of 20 acres. 2. The overall development shall provide vehicular access from the development itself directly to an adjacent arterial or collector street. 3. A maximum of 20 guest accommodations shall be permitted for the first 20 acres of the overall development, and additional guest accommodations shall be permitted at a ratio of two additional guest accommodations for every five additional acres of the overall development, but in no case shall exceed 80 guest accommodations. Guest accommodations may include individual rooms, suites, buildings, tent campsites, recreational vehicle campsites, or glamping for short-term overnight stay of 21 days or less. 4. If there is more than one building as part of the guest accommodations, the main building shall be sited to meet a permitted frontage type, but other smaller buildings may be considered as accessory and are not required to meet a frontage type. 5. All buildings, parking, loading, campsites, recreation areas, and other outdoor use areas shall be set back a minimum of 200 feet from property lines and 300 feet from existing residential dwellings on surrounding lots, and shall comply with Chapter 8, Transitional Features. 6. Rural retreats may have the following secondary recreational uses: a. Swimming pools and related facilities; b. Boating facilities; c. Tennis and other sports courts;