23 356 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2023 d Data Centers An establishment primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for hosting and data processing services that businesses and other organizations use to organize, process, store, and disseminate large amounts of data. Day Care Centers An establishment designed to provide day-time care and instruction for children or adults. Deciduous Tree A tree that drops its foliage annually before becoming dormant. Deck An unroofed, raised platform extending from a building, typically located to the rear of the building. Deferred Parking A portion of the required parking associated with a use that is not installed at the time of construction, but delayed or deferred as described in Paragraph 10.1.10.C, Deferred Parking. Departmental Review Team (DRT) Team made up of representatives from the Department of Planning and Sustainability, the Engineering Department, the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services, and other departments or agencies of the City. Detention (Dry) Pond A stormwater management feature using a dry basin to temporarily detain stormwater runoff then gradually release it into a watercourse or other storm water feature. A detention pond is designed to be dry except after storm events. Developable The portion of a lot or development site that is available for development that is not within a resource and open space area (e.g., tree save areas, riparian buffers, Hillside/Hillcrest Overlay District, floodplain, and open space set-aside). Developer Any individual, firm, corporation, association, partnership, or trust involved in commencing proceedings to effect development of land. Development The construction, reconstruction, infill development, redevelopment, remodeling, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, enlargement, or demolition of any structure, portion of a structure, or sign; any change in use in land, building, or structure, or material change in the appearance of any structure; any increase in the number of dwelling units, businesses, manufacturing establishments, or offices; any mining, excavation, filling, grading, paving, or land disturbance; and any act of subdivision of land. Development For the purposes of Section 17.6, Floodplain Protection, any human-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, such as buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavating, drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials. Development Entrance Sign A type of sign described as such in Section