36 Housing Strategy | ENVISION FRANKLIN Adding Missing Middle Housing Papillion, Nebraska: The Prairie Queen project is on a fifty-acre site near Papillon, Nebraska. Residential buildings are a maximum of 8 units per building, based on “missing middle” prototypes: mansion apartments, fourplexes, small multiplexes, townhouses, and carriage houses, designed by Opticos. Emphasis is placed on walkability first and parking is managed with alley loading and on-street parking. For more information: https://opticosdesign.com/work/bungalows-on-the-lake-prairiequeen/ RECOMMENDATIONS Several of Envision Franklin’s Guiding Principles are central to supporting a local housing strategy. These include: • Vibrant Neighborhoods • Managed Growth • Exceptional Design • Connected Community A housing strategy can and should meet multiple goals, including supporting social equity and affordability. As one example, there are many people who work in Franklin and serve the community – such as teachers, firefighters, and police officers – who may not be able to afford to live in the City. Expanding housing options to make it possible for those who serve the community and wish to live in Franklin has multiple benefits, including: a greater stake in the community they serve, higher retention for employers, and shorter/fewer car trips to commute. Other trends that are shaping the local housing market include aging Baby Boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964. The largest generation in the United States, they are starting to retire in growing numbers and often seeking smaller, singlestory homes that are easy to maintain. Housing that is close to amenities, such as restaurants, shops, and healthcare providers is also sought after. Younger generations–Gen X, neighborhoods, while looking for energy efficient, environmentally -friendly homes that they can afford. Image Credit: Opticos, Inc