42 Housing Strategy | ENVISION FRANKLIN FROM CONNECT FRANKLIN: A COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION NETWORK PLAN “Franklin will have a diverse transportation network that promotes, provides, and supports safe and efficient mobility choices for all, including driving, public transit, walking, and biking. This plan addresses multi-modal access and availability within those boundaries and linked transportation and land uses in an area wide transit framework that includes both expanded transit and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.” Connect Franklin’s transportation goals include: • Improve mobility, accessibility, and transportation alternatives to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods; • Safe, efficient and convenient movement of people and goods within the City and its UGB by integrating land uses, circulation routes and transportation facilities; • Implement industry accepted best practices in transportation planning and transit-oriented planning and ensure they are in conformance with the Regional Travel Demand Model developed by the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) • Implement a smart growth policy that promotes sustainable economic development, maintains the character throughout the city, and improves health and safety by increasing the amount of recreation and open space.xxviii