Franklin Zoning Ordinance

23 348 Chapter Defined Terms DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective December 8, 2020 Area of Special Flood-Related Erosion Hazard The land within a community that is most likely to be subject to severe flood-related erosion losses. Theareamaybedesignatedas ZoneEon the Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM). After the detailed evaluation of the special flood- related erosion hazard area in preparation for publication of the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Zone E may be further refined. Arterial Street A type of street defined by Connect Franklin that is designed and intended for use by large volumes of through traffic, receives traffic flow from collector and local streets, allows for major movement between areas of the City, and usually has heavy traffic moving at relatively high speeds. This includes both major and minor arterial streets. Assessed Value The monetary price that a parcel of land, portion of land, improvement on land, or other commodity is assigned by the Williamson County Property Appraiser’s office for the purposes of taxation. Attendant A person employed to park vehicles. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) An automated mechanized consumer banking device. Awning A sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and affixed to a building directly above a doorway or windows. Awnings are used for protection from the elements. Awning Sign A type of sign described as such in Section 15.3, Awning Sign b Balcony A porch or other enclosed outdoor use area associated with the upper floors of a building. Balloon A stationary or mobile inflated device used to attract attention. Band Sign A type of sign described as such in Section 15.4, Band Sign. Bank A type of use classified as an office. Banner A temporary sign made of flexible material. Barber Shops and Salons A type of use classified as personal services. Base The structural elements, design features, and materials associated with a part of the building that meets the ground to differentiate it from the middle and anchors the building to the ground.