Franklin Zoning Ordinance

85 USE REGULATIONS Principal Uses 05 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective December 8, 2020 5.1.4 Principal Use Regulations A. Agricultural Uses In the AG district, agricultural uses shall include the land, buildings, and machinery used in the commercial production of farm products and nursery stock, farming activities carried on in connection with the commercial production of farm products and nursery stock, recreational and educational activities on land used for the commercial production of farm products and nursery stock, and entertainment activities conducted in conjunction with, but secondary to, commercial production of farm products and nursery stock, when such activities occur on land used for the commercial production of farm products and nursery stock, as defined by T.C.A. § 1-3-105 and § 43-1-113. B. Adult-Oriented Establishments 1. Adult-oriented establishments s hall not be permitted on any lot within 500 feet of any lot containing the following: a. Any use in the civic and institutional use classification or property zoned CI; b. Any dwelling or residential lot; c. Any use in the recreation use classification; d. A day care center; e. A funeral home; f. A packaged liquor store; or g. Another adult-oriented establishment. 2. An adult-oriented establishment lawfully operating as a conforming use shall not be rendered a nonconforming use by the location, subsequent to the commencement of operations of said establishment, of a use listed in Clause 5.1.4.B.1. 3. No adult-oriented establishment may be enlarged so as to violate the provisions of this Ordinance. C. Continuum of Care Facilities Continuumof care facilitiesm ayhaveoneor any combination of assisted living, nursing home, or skilled nursing for the elderly or for other individuals incapacitated in some manner for medical reasons, as determined and licensed and/or certified by the Tennessee Department of Health, Board of Licensing Health Care Facilities. In addition to the above, up to 30 percent of the total building footprint may be used for age-restricted independent living as part of the overall continuum of care. D. Data Centers The building footprint for a data center shall not be located within 500 feet of an arterial street; however, a data center may be closer than 500 feet if it is not visible from the arterial street. E. Duplexes In the 1ST district, duplexes are permitted only outside of the FWO and FFO. F. Essential Services Public buildings that are 12,000 square feet or less may be located in any zoning district. Larger buildings or uses shall be limited to the PD, CI, NC, CC, DD, 1ST, 5TH, RC6, RC12, GO, LI, and HI districts. G. Event Venues 1. Event venues shall not create a substantial or undue adverse impact upon adjacent property, the character of the area, or the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. Event venues shall be constructed, arranged, and operated so as not to