Franklin City Hall Masterplan

30 Establishing The Vision Franklin City Hall Master Plan ZONING CENTRAL FRANKLIN OVERLAY DISTRICT Purpose: • Recognize that the oldest parts of the City have unique qualities • Ensure context-responsive infill development in areas where the existing development is established and expected to remain, pursuant to Envision Franklin Materials: • Primary materials on a facade in the CFO shall be brick, natural stone, or other materials compatible with surrounding buildings expected to remain, pursuant to Envisions Franklin Facade Standards: • Development in the CFO that is located either adjacent to a designated national or local historic district or located within 600 feet of a designated historic landmark building, shall be designed to be complementary with such historic district or building color, exterior materials, and detailing, such as the height of horizontal elements, alignment and proportion of windows and doors, roof pitch and form, and solid-to-void ratio. DOWNTOWN DISTRICT Purpose: • The DD district is intended to provide for a vibrant downtown core with a variety of pedestrian-scale commercial, civic, and residential uses. New development must adhere to traditional development patterns. Permitted Frontage Types: • Yard Front • Urban Frontage Building Setbacks: • No closer than the smallest setback and no further than the largest setback of historic structures on the same block face. • Front yard: if the block face does not have a structure, then the opposite block face shall set the range above. PROJECT FRAMEWORK