Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 104 Accessory Structures Historic Accessory Structures • Preserve and maintain historic accessory structures. Conduct routine maintenance and major repairs on historic structures in order to ensure their preservation. • When conducting work or alterations on a historic accessory structure, follow the guidelines for Historic Residential Buildings or Historic Commercial Buildings, whichever is applicable, except for the Foundation and Chimney guidelines. • Maintain the original locations of historic accessory structures. • When considering an addition to a historic accessory structure, follow the guidelines for Additions to Historic Residential Buildings except for the Porch and Balcony, Foundation, and Chimney guidelines. • Design alterations and additions so that the entirety of the accessory structure is compatible and visually subordinate in size, mass, and height to the principal building they support, but in no case should they exceed 1 1/2 stories. • Size the accessory structure building footprint so that the overall building footprints (of all portions of the existing principal buildings, accessory structures, and proposed additions on the lot) do not exceed 35 percent of the lot. Historic Accessory Structures